Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Real Universal Adapter

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Many people specially business men have digital equipment round the clock with them such as a cellphone, laptop, digital camera, smartphone, storage devices and this list goes on and on. Generally, these devices are dealt as “must carry items” while the travelling and also require the chargers, adapters and cords; here the problem begins. According to a research, business men always try to bring adapters with them as well as the number of devices. A single adapter weighs about 25% of the corresponding device.

At that point what we really miss is a “Universal Adapter”, a complete charging hub with extensions to fit with the standard devices. This is the concept proposed by Wonjune Song & Youngsun Jun. These guys have also given the illustration of this adapter providing the same function and constitutions. Therefore, there is no need to bring multiple adapters at the work and forget about these heavy objects because this newly designed adapter will give you a total convenience.

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